
Is your fur kids healthy?

so-called “toothache is not a disease, it hurts lives! ” Not only do humans need to brush their teeth, oral care for cats and dogs is also very important! Pets has a toothache and can’t help expressin..

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好多主人以為淨係比條潔齒骨狗狗,就可以完全解決口腔問題。唔通真係可以「一骨解千愁」? 其實要視乎狗狗鍾唔鍾意嚼食,有啲狗狗咬兩啖就吞落肚,更有案例試過:狗狗將成條潔齒骨吞落肚,消化唔到,結果潔齒骨留係食道或胃部,甚至小腸中,要做手術拎番出黎00若狗狗本身已有牙齒疾病,如右邊牙痛,佢地就會偏向用左邊牙黎咬潔齒骨,結果難以發揮全面潔齒功效。 DR. pet專業牙齒口腔護理系列就可以更全面幫毛小孩們解決..

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Adopt cats

First of all, congratulations on becoming a chosen cat slave!I hope the following series of questions and answers will make you more aware of cat habits! Overcome a premium cat slave! Q: Except for dr..

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Skin problems are all-rounded

Many owners have private messages. “Which product should my dog use?”, “Which products can be used together?”, “I have been using a certain brand of spray for a long time, but the skin problems are st..

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